Chelsea Drinkard No Comments

Pulse of the Tampa Bay Office Space Market

When looking for office space in the Tampa Bay area, it’s important to understand how the market is doing. This not only impacts your search, but also your future lease. A low inventory of market space is the current pulse of the market, meaning what used to be a more Tenant-friendly market has now shifted gears and is becoming more favorable for Landlords. According to research done by Colliers International, they have found that Tampa Bay’s office occupancy rate continued to rise as a result of the area’s job growth, economic expansion and market vibrancy over the past 24 months.
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Chelsea Drinkard No Comments

Operating Expense Reconciliation Every Tenant Should Know

What you need to know – Landlords use the Operating Expense Reconciliation to, well, reconcile the difference between the money they projected you would pay as part of the Common Area Maintenance (CAM) fees and what you actually paid and owe them for that space for the year. Of course, landlords don’t go around waving a sign, reminding you of how much they need from you and what you’ll be paying to help upkeep the building during your lease so it’s crucial that you stay on top of tracking these expenses.
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Chelsea Drinkard No Comments

5 Ways to Go Green at Work

Ditch the disposable products – This could be one of the most helpful JOCO lifestyleways to go green at work. While it may not be feasible to get rid of all disposable office products, there certainly may be a few things your office could buy differently in order to conserve the world’s resources. A couple examples would be: invest in coffee mugs in lieu of throwaway cups and consider buying several sets of real silverware instead of its plastic cousins. Or you could add a water cooler to the break room, foregoing the need for cases of water bottles.
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Chelsea Drinkard No Comments

Enjoy Your Office Space in 5 Easy Ways

Enjoy your office space because with a new season can come new opportunities for enjoying the same space you currently reside in? Check out our 5 tips below for some inspiration you can use today!

1. Get some fresh air – Whether you are in a shared work space or have an office to yourself, there’s no need to wait until after work hours to smell the fresh blooms and enjoy the gentle breeze rustling through the nearby trees. Pull up those shades and crank open the windows for a delightful springtime moment right from your office chair. Bonus points: Take your laptop or meeting notes outside for an al fresco afternoon.
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