Chelsea Drinkard No Comments
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PreCovid you would hear “I’m going to work” it was always a place to go.

Post Covid + technology you can work from anywhere, you now hear more “I need to work” or “I am working”.

Here’s the question I believe every company has to consider:

💡If work can (for the most part) be done anywhere, what’s the purpose of your office space for your people and company ?

—-> Funnel your office space discussions through this answer.

—> This will help you determine:

• Location
• Price point
• How much space you need
• The type of layout

All are used to fulfill the purpose.

The “we‘ve always done it this way”, doesn’t cut it any more. You have to dig deeper into the WHY behind having an office.

My counter parts would not want me to say this: Is having a full time office space obsolete for some companies? (keyword “some”) Definitely.

Does that apply to everyone, not at all.

We are in a unique situation being presented with the opportunity to redefine and revitalize purpose of office space and how to effectively use it as a tool for your company. Most importantly when attracting and keeping the right talent for your company.

What have you found in your company culture is the purpose of your office space?

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