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Four Benefits of Having Dogs At The Office:


During Covid, there was a heightened increase of pet adoption at the Hillsborough County Humane Society. The trend of companies bringing employees back to the office can be a point of concern for new dog owners, who have been home with their furry, loved one. Not just new dog owners, worrying how long you are gone with your furry friend, is a concern for most pet owners. How can you remove that concern from an employee from leaving their dog at home for a long period of time? Can a company experience a paw-sitive impact in the workplace from having dogs?


Here are four benefits of having dogs in the workplace:

  • Reduces Stress: 

Allowing dogs in the office has been shown to help employees feel less stressed while also enhancing productivity. When an employee is allowed to bring their dog to work, oxytocin levels rise. Oxytocin is a hormone that relieves stress and decreases cortisol levels in the body and is proven to make you happier. Not only does having a dog lessen stress, but it may also help people laugh and smile more in the workplace. Both of these things help to relieve stress and anxiety. The goofy activities of a dog may instantly lighten the mood at the office.


  •  Increases Productivity:

The presence of a dog in the workplace may boost productivity and creativity. Employees may feel more at ease and get along better with one another. Pet owners are more productive and even creative at work when they have their dogs with them. Employees may take brief breaks to walk their dog outside, giving them time away from work. Short periods of time apart have been found by researchers to boost attention to complete tasks. Also, employees are not worried about being away from their dog while working more hours, hence increasing their productivity.


  • Bring Your Team Back to the Office:

Bringing dogs to work can boost employee morale. Employees are happier if they do not have to leave their pets alone, unattended at home, or pay for doggy daycare while they are at work. Especially, if employees are newer dog owners (within the last two years) their dogs are more attached (and vice versa) from working from home.  As a result, the office rapidly becomes a more relaxed environment, with happier and more pleased staff.  Employee happiness, motivation, and productivity all improve as a result. Office morale improves, and employees become happier and less anxious about getting home to their dog.


  • ​​Health Benefits:

It has been proven that dogs have been linked to a number of general health advantages, including lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels. Pet owners frequently have more of a drive to exercise and do other outdoor activities since pets demand time outside, which can contribute to better health.


Do you have a pet policy? Maybe now is the time to consider it as you evaluate how to develop company culture, hire the right folks, increase productivity and overall company morale.


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